The steps are:
1. Perception
2. Comprehension
3. Interpretation
4. Reaction
5. Integration
Perception is the first step. It involves recognizing the
graphical symbols, using any technique – composition, structural analysis, background,
etc. The perception must be quick, precise, extensive and rhythmic. This means
that during the stage of perception, our eyes must be able to perceive a word
or phrase in just a split of a second, our mind must catch its meaning, at the
same time guarding the precision and security of reading, despite the speed.
For this, you must take full advantage of the visual capacity of your eyes. On
a single glance, you must read three or four words; this involves a focused and
alert psychical activity. The activities in this stage are predominantly motor,
and they mostly involve the senses.
Comprehension is the stage when you recognize the meaning that the
author assigned to his text. It requires the ability to understand the message,
or the ideas behind the graphic symbols, in the light of past experiences or
creating a mental image according to the idea evoked by the message. According
to studies made on cognitive processes, this is a very complex cognitive activity,
as this stage can comprise a simple codification, up to the elaboration of a
Interpretation: interpreting something means assigning it a meaning.
During the interpretative function, the reader is introduced into another
personality, taking the place of the lyrical voice. Through interpretation, we
get to know the author’s thoughts and feeling, that the reader can agree with,
or not. Or they can simply serve for informative purposes.
Reaction: during this stage, the reader displays an attitude
of acceptance or rejection of the ideas expressed by the author. This is the
result of the similarity (or contrast) between the meaning assigned by the
author and the reader’s previous knowledge.
Integration: the reader decides the value of the ideas that are
expressed; that is, he takes and adds them to his flow of personal experiences,
if he considers they are worthy. If reading is done orally, we must add the
following steps: emission of sounds, hearing and self-control in regard to the
string of sounds.